Monday 19 December 2011

i had another super awesome weekend (:

salam (: masa tulis blog ni pagi lagi, seven in the morning.
suddenly i reminded how i beautifully spent my weekend with my good friends (:

 meet Amirah Abdullah

 and Nur Hidayah Fatima Karim (ni muka garang dia hoho)

last monday, mira called me and asked me out during weekend. im so excited to go out with her again. i met mira during my studies at Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor. actually she is one of dayah's classmates. during my first and two months in KMS, my room was located at the 4th floor (yes, i repeat it, 4th floor haha can you just imagined how i carry my butt every single day to the 4th floor haihhhh) and dayah also in the same floor as mine. we were friends ever since then. mira, hmm frankly i totally forgot how i met mira in person. maybe dayah is living next to her door and most of the time she spent in mira's so yeah basically that is how i met mira. during my first semester final exam, i got bad result so i've been kicked out from that college. (i'll blog more in the next entry kay)
so, yeah, back to the topic. mira and dayah said its a sure that they're not going back to college in the same day after we meet. since my parents is not around on the weekend, so i asked em to sleepover at my house. so, last saturday i woke up very early in the morning to tell my dad about my outing and i found my dad has left for Kedah, im so upset at that moment coz currently aku duduk kat rumah tanam anggur and of course i don't have a penny to go out. sadly i call dayah and she asked me not to worry coz dia nak belanja i haha malu laa nak kuar and i takde duit, lucky me coz i have friend like her. so around twelve macamtu we all : mira dayah syiro and me jumpa kat sunway pyramid. syiro came to pick me up at ktm subang jaya while mira n dayah went there by bus. we watched new year's eve haha its a must watch movie for a girl like me you know haha. i love the movie so much. we went to arcade play few games. yaya bought me tasty M&S lemonade and and delicious crunchy M&S sour creme & chives potato chips hoho I LOVE YOU yaya hehe. around five o'clock something liddat, syiro sent us to ktm subang jaya and i kiss her goodbye :') 

huh, here comes the not-so-best part, on our back to bangi, the train we took got broke (i dont know what happened to the train actually) then the train driver *ithinksohaha* order all the passanger includes us to take another train, which is already packed and i dont think so we're able to back home before midnight hmm. so, i asked mira and yaya to take bus or whatsoever public transport except train haihhh. so we took taxi, haha that cost us rm27 from serdang to my house hooho *which i think its affordable* and Alhamdulillah we reach home around 9pm something.we eat, revive ourselves, siap solat jemaah mira imam taw hehe comel tak? teehee and we go out to putrajaya hehe thanks kakak sbb bagi pinjam kete, i don't think mira able to drive ayah's car haha mpv kott mira tu techikk je hikhikhikk. so yeah, we went to alamanda, ingatkan nak midnight movie tapi enn cerita semua tahpape je hoho so we decided to go hang out kat jambatan seri wawasan somewhere around precint2 hehe. then we had supper at mamak yg kat mydin tu hauhauhauuu berangan nak sambung lepak kat dataran merdeka ehh ggagagaa tapi takjadi sbb dah mlm kan ohooo hho so we go back home dah nak 2am haha.

the next morning we planned to go play bicycle at taman botani tapi sampai2 sana bicycle dah fully booked hmm so dengan hampanya kita orang pergi alamanda sbb yaya nak beli hair clip kat chamelion. hehe. Alhamdulillah suka and happy gila dapat jumpa korang aitoo hehe lepas hantar dorang balik kolej enn aku nanges kot hoho i wish i could go with all of you hehe. takpe, aku dah redha dah, takde rezeki kan so nak wat cemana.. i love you all to the bitsssss :)

here some pics we took along the meeting :P

mira and syiro si drebar legally hoho
sangat sangat tahu!

 bosou enn popcorn yaya beli hehe mumy dia belikan sosej bun and minute maid pulpy tropical fruit :P

syiro tah hape motif -.-

 hah lupa nak bagitahu, kat kolej kawankawan panggil aku mumy haha
mumy sayangs korang sangatsangat!
panjang umur murah rezeki kita jumpa lagi okayyyy (:
belajar pandaipandai okay.
korang selalu dalam doa mumy.
i love you all towards infinity and beyond


  1. kawan kawan baik adalah paling awesome :)

    1. kan kan kannn? awak pun harap dikelilingi dengan rakan rakan yang baik :D

    2. and there'a a stalker surpriseess !

  2. Hey can you give me dayah's facebook or twitter (if she had one) cus im her old friend, i havent seen her in 8 years now, she's a bestfriend of mine since we were 5! Really miss her
